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At the district level, parents are encouraged to participate on the District Advisory Committee (DAC), DELAC, and other district committees. Hamilton Unified School District schools offer a variety of events, programs, and activities throughout the school year for parents to become activity involved in their child’s school and education. The following activities and events at HUSD are open to parents: School Board Meetings, Back-to-School-Night, Parent-Teachers conferences, School Site Council, ELAC, DELAC, Awards Assemblies, Hamilton Unified Leadership Committee (HULC), competitive sports events and more. Parents are encouraged to run for office and attend monthly meetings for School Site Council, ELAC, and PTO meetings. Parents are also welcome to volunteer to support our programs under the direct instruction of a classroom teacher. Parents also serve as volunteers at school sponsored events such as dances, chaperons at student trips and activities, colleges, universities, and athletic events. Parents are kept informed of school activities through the school website, newsletters, automated phone service, teacher letters, and the use of Aeries.

We hope you find our website easy to use and informational!

Please contact us if you have suggestions about other district resources we could add to this page for parents.