Mental Health Resources
Glenn County Mental Health Resources - Survival Card Information
Resource | Phone Number |
National Crisis Hotline (suicide) | 1-800-784-2433 / 911 |
Abuse (Child Protective Services) | (530) 934-1429 After 5:00 p.m. (530) 934-6520 |
Abuse (Adult Protective Services) | (530) 865-6164 After 5:00 p.m. (530) 934-6520 |
AIDS (Testing Information) | (530) 934-6588 |
Alcohol & Drug Services | (530) 934-6582 or (530)865-1146 |
Child Care Resource and Referral | (530) 865-1118 |
Child and Family Services (Head Start) | (530) 865-1145 |
Community Actions Unit (homeless resources) | (530) 865-6129 |
Domestic Violence (Catalyst 24 hour hotline) | 1-800-895-8476 |
Domestic Violence Westside Shelter | (530) 865-4899 (voice mail) |
Dropout Prevention (HS diploma or GED) | (530) 934-6575 Ext. 3176 |
Employment Development Department | 1-800-300-5616 |
First Five Glenn County | (530) 934-6882 |
Friday Night Live (Youth Development) | (530) 934-6575 Ext. 3175 |
Glenn County Sheriff | (530) 934-6441 |
Glenn Medical Hospital ER | (530) 934-1800 |
Glenn Ride/Paratransit (taxi & bus services) | (530) 934-6700 |
Harmony House (Drop-in Counseling Center) | (530) 865-6725 |
Health Services Counseling Center | (530) 934-6582 or (530) 865-6459 |
Health Services Counseling Center (after hours crisis line) | 1-800-507-3530 |
HERE - Runaway Program Hotline | (530) 891-2810 / 1-800-371-4373 |
Medical Clinic - Hamilton City Medical | (530) 826-3694 |
Medical Clinic - Orland Family Health | (530) 865-5544 |
Medical Clinic - Willows Family Care | (530) 934-1816 |
Mental Health Department | 1-800-507-3530 |
Ministerial Association (emergency/shelter/supplies) | (530) 934-3190 / (530) 865-4556 |
Narcotics Anonymous | 1-818-773-9999 |
Project HELP (Homeless Education Support) | (530) 934-6575 Ext. 3176 |
Public Health Services | (530) 934-6588 or 1-800-655-5418 |
Rape/Date Rape (crisis hotline) | (530) 342-7273 / 1-877-452-9588 |
Tay Center (Transition Aged Youth) | (530) 865-1622 |
Tobacco Helpline (YOU CAN QUIT) | 1-800-NO-BUTTS |
Victim Witness | (530) 934-6582 |
WIC (Women, Infant and Children) | (530) 934-2418 / (530) 865-8791 |
Willows Food Bank | (530) 934-4716 |