Establishment of a Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
With the passing of Measure "C" on November 6, 2018, state law required that Hamilton Unified School District appoint a Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee to review the District’s expenditure of bond proceeds.
Per Education Code 15278-15282, the committee must consist of at least seven (7) members who shall serve for a minimum term of two (2) years, without compensation, for no more than three (3) consecutive terms.
Committee Responsibilities
In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), the Citizens' Oversight Committee shall:
- Actively inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues.
- Review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school construction.
- Advise the public as to whether the District is in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
- Ensure that Bond funds are spent only on projects listed in the Bond Project Lists
- Monitor progress of Bond projects
- Receive and review the annual performance and financial audits of bond projects.
- Provide information to the public on the progress of Bond projects and expenditures of Bond funds.
CBOC Bylaws (this is a link to the bylaws)
Interested Applicants
If you are interested in being appointed to this committee please complete the application below and submit to the Hamilton Unified School District Office.
HUSD Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Application (this is a link to the application)
Appointment of Committee Members
All appointments are made by the Board of Education from applications submitted to the District.
Regulation 7214: General Obligation Bonds
Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee Meetings
All meetings will be held in the Library at Hamilton High School.