Unit Agreements
Unit Agreements
Please use the links below to view the current agreements between Hamilton Unified School District and the Hamilton Teachers Association (HTA) and Hamilton Unified School District and the California School Employees Association #623 (CSEA).
At Hamilton Unified School District, we work closely with two employee unions:
CSEA (California School Employees Association): This union represents our classified staff, including instructional aides, custodians, office staff, and other support personnel.
HTA (Hamilton Teacher's Association): Affiliated with the California Teachers Association (CTA), HTA represents our certificated staff, including teachers and education professionals.
What are Unit Agreements?
Unit agreements, also known as Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs), are negotiated contracts between the district and each union. These agreements ensure that the rights and responsibilities of our employees are clearly defined and maintained, while also outlining district expectations. We are committed to working collaboratively with CSEA and HTA to foster a positive and productive work environment for all staff members.
For current salary schedules click here.