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Staff Professional Development & Continuing Education

Professional Development & Continuing Education for Certificated Staff

Below you will find links to possible continuing education and professional development resources for teachers (graduate-level courses, certificates, workshops and more). Continuing education provides educators with new ways to inspire and engage students and improve student outcomes - all while potentially acquiring units for advancement on the salary schedule. These resources will be updated on a regular basis to help provide you with current informaiton.

If you find a course you are interested in that would provide you with additional units, please send the information (i.e. course description and link to accredited course provider) to Human Resources and it will be reviewed by the Superintendent.

Per the HTA collective bargaining agreement:

21.3 Horizontal Column Movement

21.3.1 Course credit for salary placement and movement shall be given only for post graduate, upper division, continuing education, or graduate course work taken at four year colleges, universities, or graduate schools which are accredited by a regional accrediting commission, except under a waiver, as provided for in Item 21.3.5. See 21.3.6 for more detail on acceptable course work.

21.3.2 Semester hours (units), as defined by the particular accredited college or university, will be acceptable for placement on the salary schedule. Quarter hours (units) shall be converted to semester hours (units) by multiplying the total of such hours (units) by two-thirds.

21.3.3 Teachers requesting reclassification from one class (column) to another must file such request with the Superintendent not later than June 1 of each year. Supporting records or transcripts verifying post graduate units of study that are to apply toward column movement must be filed with the Superintendent not later than September 15. If the teacher is unable to submit supporting records or transcripts verifying post graduate units of study that are to apply toward column movement, official notes in the form of a grade card or letter from the college or institution shall be submitted. Such temporary verifications, which indicate satisfactory completion of the course(s), shall be verified by transcripts within three (3) months of the month of the date of the temporary certificate.

21.3.4 The burden of proof of training, experience, possession of credential, and other required documents shall lie with the teacher, both for initial placement and for subsequent column movement. Any error in classification shall be corrected as soon as the error is verified.

21.3.5 If a teacher believes that participation in a lower division course will be of direct benefit to the district and that a similar benefit is not available at an upper division or graduate course level, such teacher may petition the District for a waiver. Such waiver, if granted, allows the units so approved to be counted for advancement on the salary schedule. Prior to the date of enrollment in a lower division course, the teacher must make formal application and receive pre-approval from the Superintendent.

21.3.6 Definition of Course work Upper division, continuing education, or graduate courses that shall be credited:

  • A subject directly related to the teaching assignment.
  • A course recommended and/or approved by the site administrator for the improvement of instruction (may be lower division, with prior District approval)
  • A subject directly related to an advanced degree in professional education or a teaching assignment.
  • A subject required by the California credential, evaluation or renewal if the required course is a new requirement not in current law. Lower division or graduate courses that shall be credited:

  • Courses required by a California credential, evaluation or renewal.
  • Courses required by an advanced degree related to the teaching assignment.
  • A course, not previously taken, that is offered by a teacher training institution and which is directly related to the teaching assignment.
  • Courses required as a foundation for the acquiring of an additional teaching assignment major or minor.
  • Such courses will be credited when the full major or minor requirement has been met and the teacher has been assigned to the subject area.