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COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Staff Information

If you have any questions regarding vaccination status, quarantining or isolation please email or call (530) 826-3261 Ext. 6004.

Click HERE for the most updated information for staff and type in the password: husdcovid19

Please note the language below in PURPLE is current guidance the District is following per the CA Department of Industrial Relations and CA Department of Public Health.

COVID-19 Sick Leave Options

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.

Click here for more information.

After consulting with your site administrator or supervisor, please print, complete and sign this form and return it to HR/Payroll in the District Office. If you have any questions please call (530) 826-3261 Ext. 6004 or email

The aforementioned is stricken and no longer applicable and expired on December 31, 2020.


On Friday, March 19, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill (SB) 95, which creates uniform, statewide policy to ensure employees have access to COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave through September 30, 2021. You may recall that the federal stimulus bill enacted in December 2020 did not provide an extension of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), thus Emergency Paid Sick Leave and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act expired December 31, 2020. Absent federal or state law requiring local educational agencies (LEAs) to provide FFCRA leave, many have relied on local ordinances or accrued leave, unpaid leave, and other statutory leave entitlements to manage employee absences for COVID-19-related reasons.

SB 95 reinstates COVID-19 leave as a provision of state law and expands it to all public and private entities, including LEAs. SB 95 is retroactive to sick leave taken beginning January 1, 2021, and employers with 25 or fewer workers are exempt from this leave provision.

SB 114 reinstates COVID-19 leave as a provision of state law and expands it to all public and private entities, including LEAs. SB 114 is retroactive to sick leave taken beginning January 1, 2022, and employers with 25 or fewer workers are exempt from this leave provision.

Click here to view detailed information on this leave policy from the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). It is an overview of COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave that became effective 2/19/22 and is retroactive back to January 1, 2022 if you were absent due to COVID-19 under one of the applicable reasons. This leave is in effect until it expires September 30, 2022 December 31, 2022.

Please contact HR if you have any questions.

In addition to the sick leave provided by the DIR, Hamilton Unified School District will be doing the following:

HUSD will: Continue to honor up to 30 days paid sick leave for COVID Positive or COVID quarantine when required by local county Health Departments due to work related exposure for the 2021-2022 school year.

This information was presented via email, printed PowerPoint and verbally from Dr. Powell during the all staff Professional Development Day on August 6, 2021.

The aforementioned is stricken and no longer applicable and expired on June 30, 2022.


Current Isolation/Quarantine Guidance and Sick Leave Overview

(Click image below to view as a PDF)


Resources for Staff

CVT Resources

List helpful resources provided by CVT.