Ella Barkley High School is Hamilton Unified School District's alternative high school for 10th through 12th grade. This school opened on August 27, 1991 and is located on the South East side of the Hamilton High School campus.
Benefits and Outcomes
The premise behind alternative schools is that “one size doesn’t fit all.” In other words, not all students will thrive or reach their full potential in the traditional comprehensive school. Alternative schools can offer a different structure, learning philosophy, or academic emphasis to accommodate different student needs, interests, and learning styles. The effective use of such instructional strategies as independent study, community-based education, focused or thematic education, and flexible scheduling increases attendance and improves performance while fostering student engagement.
This school offers an alternative setting for students needing to make up credits or in need of smaller group dynamics with the goal of graduating and/or returing to the main campus to finish their high school career (Hamilton High School).
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